You know what happens when you miss your committee's planning meeting? You get put in charge of the next activity -- even if you had a perfectly good reason for missing the meeting, like being asked to help bless a relative's baby.
Tonight we made dutch oven for the ward. About 75-100 people. That's BBQ Chicken, dutch oven potatoes, and cobbler for four score and some people. A month ago, I made the mistake of making dutch oven potatoes for a ward cooking competition, so somehow that qualified me to cook a whole meal for everyone.
So, 10 dutch ovens, 25 lbs of chicken, 25 lbs of potatoes, and 4 cobblers later, I will officially say that I am NEVER DOING IT AGAIN. Okay, I suppose I might -- because, if I do say so myself, the food turned out amazing. I had all these fresh vegetables in my garden that just made everything sublime. Of course, dutch oven tastes better the longer is sits, so I think I'm really going to enjoy my leftovers.
OH the memories! I'm glad you got to be the main man on the dutch oven project...glad I could pass it on to you! Next year we're putting you in charge of the dutch oven at the reunion!