
Unrequited Love

A friend and I have been exchanging e-mail lately about our experiences with “unrequited love.” If you don’t know about unrequited love, then you’re not old enough to read this blog. Bookmark this page and come back in a year or two.

Unrequited love stings unexpectedly, well after you thought you had moved on. A scent, a song, or an old friend’s innocuous question can resurrect memories of what might have been. You carry those memories like badges of honor, passport stamps of the places your heart has been. Their dull ache is as comfortable as it is painful, a reminder of how good things can be.

So, as bittersweet as a love unrequited can be, I wouldn’t wish my memories away. How else will I know what I’m looking for? And how else will I recognize when I've found it?


  1. Amen. And bravo. That's sorta the premise of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    It's painful and wonderful all at the same time. But as a good friend once told me while we were pontificating over how unrequited love is maybe the worst, "Naw, no elbows would be worse. Make that no elbows and no knees! Definitely worse."

    And I think he is correct.

  2. Yes, missing joints would be worse. I also think weeds and taxes are nearly as bad as UL.


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